Please send the following information (below league descriptions) to the appropriate commissioner!
League | League Description | Commissioner | E-mail Address |
Titletown FB Assoc. - TTFBA | 2004 Current Season! Head to Head play, league dues of $25.00 | Chad Weyenberg | cweyenberg@comcast.net |
Fox Valley FB Assoc - FVFA | 1983 Retro! Head to Head play, league dues of $15.00 | Chad Weyenberg | cweyenberg@comcast.net |
Oldtimers FB Assoc - OTFBA | 1975 Retro! Head to Head play, league dues of $15.00 | Chad Weyenberg | cweyenberg@comcast.net |
Paul Hornung Memorial FB League - PHMFBL | 2004 Current Season! Head to Head play, league dues of $10.00 | Tony Dissibio Brad Podzemny |
ajdisibbio@aol.com & bpodzemny@cox.net |
ASL Football League | 2004 Current Season! Head to Head play, league dues of $5.00 (optional) | Cliff Dolgins | cdolgin@attglobal.net |
American Action Football League - AAFL | 2004 Current Season! Head to Head play, league dues of $10.00 | Cliff Dolgins | cdolgin@attglobal.net |
Trans American Football League - TAFL | 2004 Current Season! Head to Head play, FREE! | Cliff Dolgins | cdolgin@attglobal.net |
United States Action FB League - USAFL | NEW - 2004 Current Season! Head to Head play, league dues of $10.00 | Scott Hapner | scotthapner@yahoo.com |
National Computer FB League - NCFL | NEW - 2004 Current Season! Head to Head play, league dues of $8.00 ($10.00 if using paypal) | Tony Lucio | cubfan1@verizon.net |
Canton Ohio Action League - COAL | 1977 Retro! Head to Head play, FREE! | Antone Adams | Tone7779312@aol.com |
Please send the following information to the appropriate commissioner!
Your Name
Team Name (must be: city or state followed by team nickname) VULGAR names will not be accepted (this step is NOT needed for AAFL, PHMFBL, FVFA, USAFL)
If #2 doesn't apply, let us know which NFL team you want!
Place you reside (city, state)
BIO: just give a short bio on yourself. What are your hobbies, what do you do in real life, are you in other leagues, who are your favorite NFL players or teams...stuff like that.
NOTE: Helmets do NOT need to be selected for the
USAFL, FVFA, AAFL, or PHMFBL as they use the appropriate NFL helmets.
OTHERWISE: Go to the HELMETS PROJECT: http://inside99.net/HelmetProject/
(if this link is shut down, try: http://www.nationalchamps.net/Helmet_Project/
) and pick out a helmet for your team. Be specific as to where we will locate the helmet you
want. It may be wise to pick out your helmet first, before coming up w/ a team name.