The Sports Attic
(The Center for Computer Simulated Sports Leagues!)
Our leagues have annual dues. For payment information, click here.

If you are interested in claiming an OPEN team in one of our leagues please do the following:

1) Register for a USERNAME and PASSWORD on our site (left hand blue column)
2) Send USERNAME (keep password private) along with the LEAGUE/TEAM NAME you want to claim (an updated listing of our OPEN teams are found below) to: (you can also CC
3) Make sure your username is sent EXACTLY as you typed it in...our site IS case sensitive.
4) Once received we will transfer the team to your control and you can enjoy in all the fun!
5) Finally, make your league dues payment ASAP.  League information can be found here:

A short DESCRIPTION of the leagues that are available and can be found by clicking on the BASEBALL link at the left.  For more in depth details, click on the appropriate league link and read the constitution of the appropriate league OR e-mail the league commissioner.


Available Baseball Team
Team League Draft Pick
Houston Colt .45sRTBL5

The Sports Attic offers the sports simulation enthusiast a chance to join leagues with other fanatics in different sports arenas.

Click on the appropriate link on the left and you will be on your way to building your franchise into a dynasty. Join as many leagues as you like. There is an ANNUAL LEAGUE FEE to play in our attic but you can earn discounts.

Rate This Site at Skilton's Baseball                      Links

For all league inquiries, e-mail

The Sports Attic is officially licensed and endorsed by Diamond Mind software.